Fuck You All

Last night, my good mate De-Atrophier and I were just sitting around drinking Bloody Marys by the jug when that dirty whore Inspiration burst through the door and pissed all over the carpet.
"Why don't you two homos start a blog?", she slurred before puking on the coffee table and passing out.
Having nothing better to do and sharing a keen interest in nastydirtymonkeysex and all things queer, we decided to take Inspiration's advice. So for your edification we present Unnatural Acts: the bastard child of The Spin Cycle and De-Atrophication.
We will of course maintain the proud traditions of the Radical Queer Movement that inform our ideas and politics. Militantly atheist, depraved, obscene and irritatingly left wing - we hold nothing sacred. Expect to be informed, educated and, most likely, offended. Post your comments - whatever they may be. Howl with outrage or drool like the sycophantic dogs that you are, we don't care.
We're better than you and we don't mind saying so.